Real Coffee is so good and NO waste!
What's not to love about real coffee? Even when you've drunk it, the grounds can be so useful in the garden - what's not to love?!
Old coffee grounds can be mixed with general soil around acid loving plants, which include azaleas, hydrangeas, rhododendrons and camellias. You can add brown leaves and grass cuttings to the coffee grounds, to make mulch which will help to balance the pH of your soil. By mixing your old coffee grounds into the compost you will help to accelerate the composting process.
Please note there are two main types of ingredients to add to your compost. 1. Brown materials such as old coffee filter papers, tea bags, dead leaves, old papers and wood sawdust, these are all high in carbon. 2. Green materials such as old coffee grounds, tea, food waste and even manure, these are all high in nitrogen.
A simple rule is, to mix half and half of the above brown and green materials to make the perfect compost! You can even help a worm bin to flourish by feeding the worms with old coffee grounds mixed with some brown material.
As a small word of caution, please remember when using old coffee grounds for composting, you should never use more than 25% of coffee grounds in any one compost pile!
Flowers Love Coffee Too!
Your old filter papers and old coffee can be composted.Coffee grounds lose most of their acidity during the coffee brewing process, leaving the coffee grounds with an average pH of 6.9 and a carbon-nitrogen ratio of 20-1. Primary Nutrients: Nitrogen 1.45%, Phosphorus ND ug/g, Potassium 1204 ug/g. Secondary Nutrients: Calcium 389 up/g, Magnesium 448 ug/g, Sulphur high ug/g.
Happy composting!